Are you an established personal stylist needing a second set of eyes on a project? Ready to outsource some back-end updates or general administrative support? I’ve spent my entire career always in tandem with other stylists, and am a real Ace when it comes to intuitive reinforcement. As the saying goes, “it takes one to know one!”

Whether it’s shopping online, creating outfits for a client’s lookbook, or whipping up that newsletter you keep putting off, I’m here for it.

The best part: your clients will never know.

Holy productivity, Batman!



  • "If you run a small business, you know how it can feel like your baby at times, a vital extension of you, and probably a major part of your identity. Allowing someone into the inner workings is scary, and letting go of stuff that feels like ONLY YOU can do seems impossible. When I met Stevie I knew I desperately needed help with my solo personal styling biz, but I felt overwhelmed with the idea of explaining everything to someone, and worried that anyone interested enough with the job would probably have at least a tinge of a competitive vibe around them. As if she were sent to me by an actual angel, I knew instantly that Stevie was the perfect person to support me in my business. She was able to swiftly get me, my business' vibe and voice, and disarm me with her easy personality and confident point of view and eye. She made it clear that she wasn't here to take over or become me, but she definitely knew how to make everything better about my job (plus she is just so fun to be around!). I trusted her with stuff that had bogged me down for years and I never imagined I would be able to delegate, so I was able to take on bigger projects and grow my business because Stevie's help gave me so much more space to grow and dream. So if you're bogged down but scared, do yourself a favor and engage the support of Stevie in your business because it might be the smartest thing you ever did for yourself!"


  • "I hired Stevie when my personal styling business reached a point where managing all client deliverables on my own and growing the business simultaneously became impossible. Initially nervous about outsourcing client work, my concerns quickly vanished when I started working with Stevie. Simply put, she's an exceptional support. Stevie possesses some rare and immensely valuable talents as a personal stylist that you would be hard pressed to find anywhere else. She not only has extensive experience supporting other personal stylists, she has run her own business for many years and works with the efficiency that only an industry insider can. She brings a wealth of knowledge about brands, what it takes to create visually interesting outfits for lookbooks, and knows how to shop for different body types. Hiring Stevie is among the top three best investments I've made for my business. Run to get on her calendar before her schedule fills up with other styling commitments, because it's only a matter of time."


  • "It is not an exaggeration to say that when I met Stevie, a significant amount of stress was removed from my daily life. I didn't even realize how much time and energy I needed back in my business, and with Stevie's support, I got it back. I had immediate trust in her and my clients have loved the pieces she has selected for them. She asks great questions to help ensure that she gets it right for my clients, and I've loved her fresh perspective and the new brands she's introduced me to! I appreciate Stevie's quick response and she's always delivered projects in the timeframe we set. Stevie is so talented and I feel so lucky to be able to work with her. Working with Stevie has helped me level up in my styling business and I'm so grateful for her support!"