If you've been considering investing in support from a personal stylist, you've probably had this thought:
"A Personal Stylist is THE SAME AS
A Personal Shopper, right?"
People tend to presume you need a lot of money to have a stylist. Or that it's something that comes with status or visibility. And while it can definitely simplify aspects of your life and help you become better aligned to focus on your personal growth or professional goals, it's not a passive investment. Hiring a Personal Stylist is not like hiring an assistant or getting a housekeeper. You can certainly reach an eventual maintenance phase with your stylist, but in the beginning, it requires your commitment and effort and you should expect to put in some work.
Here's a good comparison: When you go get your hair done, you don't hop in a random person's chair and say, “One haircut, please!" Images are exchanged, inspiration is discussed, lifestyle is considered. Lots of different questions are asked and a level of trust is required. Maybe you even get some butterflies or unexpected emotional things that bubble up if you're making a big change. It's an intimate experience and most of us end up cultivating a relationship with our hairstylist because their ability to understand us is what's most important.
Personal styling services carry out similarly. No doubt by the end of our work together I'll know exactly, “what's you and what ain't”, on a hanger, but that's because I've put thoughtful systems in place that support your individual transformation, not because I think I know what clothes you should buy.
Allowing someone into your closet and creative mind's eye is deeply intimate—dare I say, therapeutic. Your whole vibe and brand is being held front and center and honing that in requires honesty, vulnerability, trust, communication; just to name a few!
The shopping part is merely a side effect.
If you're looking for help in your wardrobe it's likely because you don't have a clear idea as to how to render your visual interests, unique creativity, and personality all into one harmonious aesthetic.
But if you could achieve that type of alignment, you recognize the other areas of your life that it would impact. You're tired of skimping on your image. You want to be known as the badass, artist/entrepreneur/boss that you are. Or, at very least, feel better equipped to exist in the particular season of life that you're in. Thinking about all that you've worked for, you have to admit:
You've come so far!
You're no fashion "no-mind" per say, but maybe you're a little bit stumped on how to make yourself memorable to the clients and people you want to attract, or the projects you've been non-stop dreaming up. You can easily say, you've been ready to step it up for awhile and definitely feel like you deserve it!
—Oh, that's you?
Then styling is going to have a lasting effect…
I mentioned that styling can be a form of therapy. Obviously I'm not a doctor, nor am I trying to give you any unsolicited medical advice here, but I've been known to tout a theory on clothes and the idea that what we wear ripples to other areas of our lives.
Quick vibe check:
What did you wear today and how did it make you feel? Did your look affect the way you interacted with people or the choices you made?
…See, it's a thing.
If you're in a space where you hate getting dressed; whether it's because you're bored, uninspired, or not feeling any of the current trends, I just wanna' throw this out there: That feeling is only going to further root itself unless you start to dig it up now.
Feeling apathetic about your image or convincing yourself that your outfits don't matter, “It's just clothes, I look fine!", is a symptom of an issue for the complacent.
Sure, you can be good with fine all you want, but then you'll have to settle on the idea that everything else about your life/biz/growth will also be just that— FINE.
You good with fine?